What is the reason for a railroad company to Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supply?

High-speed rail, earthquake? It seems that the wind and the horse are irrelevant, but there is something that can bring them together - safe! Yes, safety, although the high-speed rail is fast, but the primary problem is safety. The biggest problem of earthquake is the security of the guarantor. Safety is the most concerned direction of people at present!

So what exactly does this company do to Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supply? the security problem? Don't worry, listen to the metal processing Xiaobian slowly introduce you!

Because of the high speed and high security, the high-speed rail can not be ignored. Especially in the cornering, how to make the high-speed rail safe and stable turning, the performance of the rail is especially important, how to make the high-speed rail keep high speed and smooth, if the lifting and driving modules are completely fixed to On the carriage, the train will not be able to turn because the tail of each carriage will prevent lateral movement of the front carriage. To solve this problem, five modules are installed on each train of the train. When the train turns, they slide to the left or right, so that the train can make a sharp turn at high speed. The sliding mechanism of these modules uses a small series to introduce the company's LM rails, allowing them to move very smoothly and quietly.

The company is the THK in the name of linear motion. THK was founded in 1971 and is the pioneer of LM Guide. The following video is about the company's development history!

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The company solved the problem of rolling contact linear motion, which was once considered difficult to solve, through its own unique technical strength. In 1972, it became the first company in the world to develop and commercialize linear motion (LM) guide rails. The use of linear motion systems can quickly improve the accuracy and speed of advanced electromechanical instruments and save manpower. THK's LM Guides enable ultra-high precision operation of machine tools and industrial robots, as well as enabling semiconductor manufacturing equipment to operate in submicron devices. Recently, the system has also been applied to liquid crystal production lines, railway passenger cars, disabled assisted vehicles, medical equipment, skyscrapers and residences, and recreational facilities. The range of use of the LM Guide has broken through all previous restrictions.

The use of THK rails is not only in the safety of high-speed rail, but also in the comfort performance of high-speed rail. Currently, this technology is used in the first class of the northeast line, so that passengers can enjoy safe and comfortable treatment when riding!

     Video, suggest wifi

Ball retainer type LM Guide SPR/SPS

LM Guide uses 8 rows of channels for ultra-low volatility and ultra-high rigidity

-LM track width 30mm~60mm -


In order to surpass the traditional LM guide and achieve ultra-low volatility and ultra-high rigidity, the following three points are adopted:

1.8 rolling channels

2. Small diameter steel ball

3. Extra long slider

Thereby, not only the number of effective steel balls is greatly increased, but also the amplitude of the rolling elements is suppressed to a minimum. Achieving low volatility comparable to hydrostatic guidance systems. At the same time, the deformation of the steel ball is extremely small, achieving the ultra-high rigidity of the roller guide. Contribute to the high precision of the device.

[Ultra-low volatility and ultra-high rigidity have been tested]

● Volatility verification

     The SPR/SPS type is approximately 1/10 of the fluctuation of the conventional general LM rail (100 to 300 nm).

      ※Company internal verification performance

● Rigid comparison

     The SPR/SPS type achieves very high rigidity

After talking about the high-speed rail, it’s time to talk about the earthquake. The earthquake has caused catastrophic damage. Everyone knows that in order to avoid greater losses, the current houses use shock-absorbing structures. THK’s products also stand out in the shock absorption system. Contribution! First look at the video material!
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Shock-absorbing houses used by THK products

Protecting life and property from the threat of earthquakes, there are two main types of seismic technology: “seismic” and “seismic isolation”. The former refers to the reinforcement of columns, beams and walls to resist earthquakes, and the latter refers to the installation of foundations. A member that absorbs ground vibrations. If the house is directly located on the basis of it, it means that it is directly affected by the earthquake. Seismic isolation members are similar to a cushion that provides seismic protection for a home. As shown, THK's shock-absorbing seismic isolation components use a cross-over LM guide that significantly reduces the vibrational intensity transmitted by the ground to the house.

CLB linear rolling bracket

The CLB bracket is a seismic isolation device that uses a cross-type LM Guide that can carry the weight of the house and freely move in all directions according to the horizontal vibration of the earthquake.

RDT viscous damper

RDT can use ball screws to attenuate seismic energy. These dampers are designed to absorb the forces caused by fast movements in houses and buildings.

In addition to the above, THK also has a good application in the machine tool direction. At present, CCMT2016 is in progress, THK also carries new products to debut, let's take a look at THK's latest products for the machine tool industry!

Ball retainer type Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supply? compact ball screw SDA-V type

The new SDA-V product has improved the steel ball circulation method and is a ball cage type high speed compact ball screw that conforms to the DIN standard.


1.DN value of 160,000
Achieving a stable torque for long-term continuous drive at 5,000 min-1 (maximum DN value of 160,000).

2. (DIN69051) as the benchmark
Nut size is based on DIN specification (DIN69051)

3. Compact nut size
The newly developed film seal reduces the length of the nut and enables a compact design of the device.

4. Rich product categories
There are 26 types of products with a shaft diameter of φ15 to φ50 and a lead of 5 to 20 mm.

Ultra-small cross roller collar RAU type

A new ultra-small cross roller collar RAU type is introduced in the cross roller collar product. The compactness of the rotary motion is achieved.


The RAU type is an ultra-small cross roller collar with an inner diameter of 10 mm and an outer diameter of 21 mm (minimum model RAU1005).

This product is compact and lightweight compared to the double row design of angular contact ball bearings.

Maximum rigidity and high rigidity.

Electric actuator compact series KSF

A new compact series "KSF" for electric actuators is available.


High rigidity
The steel outer rail with a U-shaped cross section can withstand large moments.
In addition, since the rigidity of the actuator unit is high, the auxiliary rail can be omitted, so that a small design can be realized.

2. Applicable motor rated power increase
By increasing the diameter of the ball screw shaft and the end of the shaft, a motor with a large rated power can be used, thereby achieving high speed, high acceleration and deceleration, and long stroke.

3. High speed, high acceleration and deceleration
The maximum speed of 1500 [mm/s] is achieved by increasing the lead of the ball screw.
And increase the applicable motor for high acceleration and deceleration handling. (maximum 2G

Ball screw BTK-V type

The newly-launched "rolled ball screw BTK-V type" has improved the cycle parts to achieve high-speed motion.


1. High-speed rolling ball screw Din Rail Switching Mode Power Supply? value 100,000
The material of the part is made of resin, so the shape is plastic, and a special steel ball picking part is formed, so that the rolling ball screw is also speeded up.

2. Improve the toughness
The circulating component adopts an integrally formed fully enclosed shape, thereby enhancing the strength of the component.
High durability is achieved even at high speeds.

3. Interchangeable with the size of the conventional circulating curved tubular ball screw
The shape of the nut is unchanged and the performance of the product is improved.

Ball retainer type double nut ball screw SBKN type

New long-life, high-speed drive "ball retainer type double nut ball screw SBKN type"


Long life
Compared to the single-nut version of the same shaft diameter, this product achieves approximately 2 times the rated load and approximately 6 times the life by using the double nut method.

2. Achieve high speed drive
The newly developed end circulator and R component have an ideal loop structure.
A high-speed drive with a maximum DN of 160,000 is realized.

3. Smooth motion
The ball retainer eliminates the impact and mutual friction between the steel balls.
Therefore, the torque variation is small, and smooth and stable motion is achieved.





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